Virtual yoga and online training — The Instructors’ Handbook #1/4: How to Create a Compelling Instructor Profile on FitMyTime

Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2018


Part 1/4 of FitMyTime Instructor Handbook

Photo by Lindsey GrantzVinyasa Flow with guided meditation

Your Instructor profile page is your dedicated space to share information about yourself. You can use it to describe your experience and expertise, but also to show your personality and to let people get to know you better.

Credibility is the most important factor for students when choosing an online instructor, so a positive first impression is crucial.

Here are 4 tips that will help you set up a great instructor profile page:

Profile Photo

Use a high-quality profile photo that shows your face. Close up images are usually more engaging, they help to build trust and therefore increase your chances of getting booked.

Display Name

Students come to FitMyTime to practice with real people. It’s best to use your real name as your display name. First, it establishes credibility, and second, search engines will be able to find you on FitMyTime and your other social media accounts.

Add a Personal Touch

The About Me Section helps you to establish your expertise by describing your professional background, your certifications, qualifications and skills.

In addition, you can use this space to share your personal story as a teacher.

Knowing your personal story can inspire people. Tell your prospective students why you decided to become an instructor and how you help your (online and offline) trainees reach their health and fitness goals.

Your profile and class page should be as human and personal as possible. Crafting it in a way that sends a message that you are passionate about online teaching and about your students is the first step in creating a relationship with your potential customers.

FitMyTime welcomes yoga and fitness instructors who are interested in teaching online to join our community.

Meanwhile, you can read more about how it works.

More posts from our Instructor’s guide:

FitMyTime is a global marketplace for online yoga and fitness classes.




Connecting yoga & fitness instructors with students for a calmer mind and a stronger body.